Makers Classes Labor Day Weekend Page Banner

Among the 40 oceanfront acres of Searsport Shores Ocean Campground you'll enjoy three communal maker spaces for drop in classes: (1) Printing, Dyeing and Surface Design, (2) Woodworking and Metal Shop, and (3) Stitching, Weaving and Spinning.  Bring your family and enjoy our spinning flock of goats & sheep.

Take as many classes as you'd like…by yourself or with loved ones…it’s really easy to participate!

Your pass will allow you to come and go in any of the studio spaces from 10:00-4:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Each teaching artist will have projects or skills they will be sharing and you can focus on just one or two…or skim through many!   The material kits will be inexpensive and the classes are open to anyone with the appropriate attention span (and dexterity if sharp tools are involved). Open Studios Labor Day Weekend welcomes both Searsport Shores campers and non-campers alike.  Free parking for everyone but please leave your pets at home.

Drop In Studio Classes:  2025 program is being organized now.

Studio 1 (Dye Barn): Painting, Dyeing, & Surface Design

Studio 2 (Art Studio): Punch Needle Embroidery, Felting, & Rug Braiding 

  • Emma Morin, Punch Needle Embroidery
  • Judy MacKay, Wool Braided Chair Pad or Table Topper
  • Betsy Alspach, Hand felted Body Soaps
  • Erin Hauge (gatherwhatspills), Hand Stitched Patches

Studio 3 (Wood Shop): Carving, Knotting, and Printing

  • Jim Hsiang, Build a green wood bench or side table
  • Steven Schreurs, Nautical Knot coasters and mug rugs
  • Katama Murray, (teachpeaceprints), Carving and Block Printing

Saturday August 30 & Sunday August 31

Register: 2024 Labor Day Shorts
Please submit one registration form for each individual attendee.

Event Options

Open Studio Sessions:
Lunch Options
Kit Fee Acknowledgement

Attendee Information

Please provide attendee info in this section. One attendee per registration.

Emergency Contact Information

Additional Information



By registering for Fiber College, I understand that I have granted Fiber College and the Makers Guild of Maine permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other considerations. We promise never to sell your images or use them in an unseemly manner.

Change, Cancellation and Refund Policies for Classes:
If you have purchased a Labor Day Makers Festival Pass and are not able to attend, e-mail us at Because e-mails can be dropped and we have no way of knowing that you wrote, it is your responsibility to receive confirmation of your e-mail. You may text us at 207-930-5919 but please assume we have not seen the text until we write back…we juggle a lot of balls in the summer time and sometimes even the most important things seem to slip through the cracks.

Because of the on-line registration software, no changes or cancellations are possible through this registration process.

A $50 fee will be subtracted from your full refund if the request is made before August 1, 2025. There will be no refunds after August 1st, 2025.  By letting us know that you will not be able to attend, we’ll do our best to donate your pass to a local person who could not normally attend and give you a letter thanking you for your donation to the Maker’s Guild of Maine 501c3 scholarship fund.

Privacy Policy: Fiber College and the Makers Guild of Maine collects your contact information for the sole purpose of communicating with you in reference to our events. The information is stored securely and will never be sold or traded or used for any other purpose. The same holds true for any images taken before, during or after our event.

Policy Acceptance

Registration Costs

Credit Card
Billing Address
Billing Address