The Searsport Carver Memorial Library administers the Makers Guild of Maine Musical Instrument Lending Program implemented for anyone to learn or try out a new instrument. The instruments have been donated by local musicians and community members through Guild fundraisers and outreach. They are free to borrow, whether you’re a traveling musician or an enthusiast who has always wanted to try a banjo, all you need is a local library card. Acoustic and electric guitars (with amp), violins, banjos, mandolins, ukuleles, an upright bass and an accordion are currently available. Read more about the Musical Instrument Lending Library and borrowing procedures.
Luthiers, instructors, and quality instruments are always welcome.
The Makers Guild of Maine maintains a lending library of fiber arts tools...looms, wheels, fleece processing equipment, sewing machines, knitting machines, and the accessories that go with all of these tools. Those who have been involved in Makers Guild events or who want to improve their lives through the gift of craft are welcome to borrow what they need and are asked only to reciprocate by volunteering or teaching others in some form. For more information, please contact us at hello@makersguildmaine.org.
We recognized two things that are happening in our society: (1) established artists/hobbyists are often holding beautiful instruments, tools, supplies and books that no longer serve a purpose in their lives due to downsizing, or a change in circumstances and (2) there are emerging artists who need to try tools before making the significant investment that they represent.
The Makers Guild of Maine (501c3) welcomes fully tax-deductible donations and would appreciate volunteers who could help maintain, repair, and teach as the need arises.