Who we are
The Makers Guild of Maine creates opportunities for people to come together to make & enjoy beautiful and practical handcrafted items, traditional music, and locally sourced food. Learning and sharing these skills reaches across generations and backgrounds and puts front and center the forgotten pleasure - and sense of accomplishment - that come with actually making things - whether it’s a new harmony, a gossamer soft shawl, a sturdy fishing line, or a blueberry pie. Our initiatives draw on and invigorate Maine’s heritage and support our local community. We strive to connect Mainers with each other, and with the larger world.

What we do
The Makers Guild of Maine develops, coordinates, and promotes events that advocate for creativity and community with a close connection to the outdoors. Our events tie in perfectly to the contemporary ideas about slow movements, about returning to pre-internet days when relationships took more time when we valued individual artistic endeavors just for the sense of accomplishment, not money. Our events are an homage to Maine, life as it should be.
Where we do it
Our events are hosted by Searsport Shores Ocean Campground and occasionally in the village proper of Searsport. The campground, art, and music facilities provide accommodations for campers of all descriptions on 150 acres of oceanfront, woodland trails, and organic gardens...the perfect backdrop to our educational, celebratory, and participatory events. The gravel roads offer easy walking and there is adequate parking to facilitate handicapped needs.